NBHV member number 06021R RBCZ member number: 403258R AGB code healthcare provider number: 90-035330 AGB code practice number: 90-014227 Chamber of Commerce number: 34276192
Terms & conditions
Our terms and conditions are registered at the Chamber of Commerce in Amsterdam since June 27, 2008 under file number: 34276192
Click here for a PDF version in the Dutch language.
Privacy statement
Click here to view and print a PDF version in the Dutch language.
WKKGZ Quality, Complaints and Disputes Act
As a registered member of Dutch Association of Hypnotherapists (NBVH), BestOfYourself meets all the requirements of the WKKGZ (Quality, Complaints and Disputes Care Act), regulated by said Professional Association. In accordance with this law, the practice is affiliated with the SCAG.
Complaints about BestOfYourself?
The wellbeing of my clients is my priority. In order to warrant safety and standards of quality, BestOfYourself is affiliated with the Dutch Professional Association of Hypnotherapists (NBVH) and the Quality Register in the Netherlands for Higher Education Trained Therapists (RBCZ).
Do you have complaint about me or the treatment?
Please contact me with any query or complain. I will do my best to find a mutually satisfactory resolution. If that is not a suitable option for you, you may contact the NBVH. They will mediate in finding a resolution. You will find all the information on their site, I apologize; the information is available in the Dutch Language only.
You can also send a letter directly:
NBVH for the Complaints Committee PO Box 86 4000 AB Tiel My registration number is: 06021R.
Do you have any queries about the process?
Do you want to know more about the NBVH, about the complaints procedure, or do you have any other question Call me or send an email.